week 22

We have a PRAO student in the classroom the whole week. Her name is Freja and she was a former student of mine.  
28/5 Technology day in school

29/5 Birthday fika for those that have their birthdays January-July

31/5 and 1/6 Hillary away on a course

21/5 Technology day in school

22/5 Watching Little Riders Film

23/5  Wednesday Little Olympics School begins at 8:20 in the classroom. Then we will walk to Bellevie. Please make sure your child is on time. They will need a lunch and water bottles. 

Week 20
May 16 Book Exchange Day

Week 19
8/5 Fritidshemmens day
10-11/5 School holiday

Week 18
30/4 No school Fritids is opened as usual
1/5 School 
3-4/5 Hillary away on a course

Week 17

Week 16
16/4 group math test
17/4 part E math test
18/4 part F math test
19//4 part G math test

Week 15
School begins at 9:00!
Monday Math test #2 12:30-13:30

Week 14
School is closed. Fritids is opened according to their schedule.

Week 13
Monday Katarina continues with individual reading assessments
Tuesday Math test
Thursday: No school Fritids is opened but closes at 16:00
Friday Good Friday ! No school

Week 12
Monday: Katarina begins individually reading assessments
Wednesday:  Swedish test 8:20-9:40
Thursday:  Swedish test 8:20-9:40
Friday:  Self assessment in math

Week 11-20 National tests in Swedish and Math
As you all know, we will begin working with the national tests week 11. Remember that means no leave of absences will be granted during that time. Please inform us in good time if you have a doctor/dentist appointment so we can make arrangements if needed. Students that are away due to illness will have to make up the tests at a later date. 

13th March Parents' meeting will begin at 18:00. Information will be given about national tests and afterschool care.

Skating is February 14th. Figure the time will be 8:20-13:30ish depending on the weather. Are there any parents that would like to help out like last year? Driving, skating or lacing skates :-)
Your child will need appropriate clothing, skates and a packed lunch. We will be leaving directly after attendance is taken at about 8:30. Our skating time with the gym teachers is between 10:00-11:00. We plan to be back at school at the latest 12:45. Then they will have a shorter crafts lesson. 

February 12: We are going on an outing the whole morning. We'll be back at school for lunch so students will not need a packed lunch. They may bring a small snack (a piece of fruit) if they want to. Be sure that your child has warm clothing because we will be outdoors. 

Week 4 22nd-26th January IDP talks according to the schedule. Please let me know as soon as possible if you need to change your child's time. 

Week  319th January  Pajama Day! The whole school voted for this 2nd fun day at school! Your child may wear pajamas/lounge clothes to school that day. Be sure that they do have warm clothes underneath as they still be have recesses outside as usual. 
Week 2

Spring Term begins 10/1 at 8:20

Week 51
Monday 18/12 Christmas lunch If you use the app to look and see what lunch is each day, there has been a change. Our annual "julbord" has been changed to Monday. 

spelling test (last week's words)

Wednesday 20/12. Those students that have had their birthdays August-Dec, may bring in something to share with the class if they swould like. 

Thursday 21/12 Last schoolday of ther term. 8:20-13:30.School begins in the classroom for students at 8:20 to take attendance. Parents may wait in the schoolyard. Our assembly begins at 8:30 with some words and holiday wishes from Catrin. We have a tight schedule as we have activities planned throughout the day. 10:40 students will go to the gym for  a Santa relay (wear comfortable clothing only). There is no need to change in to gym clothes. At 12:30, there will be a performance with some guests for the class in the gym hall. School will end at 13:30. 

Week 50

Wednesday 13/12   Lucia Day
School begins at 7:50 in  the classroom! We will be watching the Lucia Program at 8:00. Unfortunately if you are late, then you have to wait until the performance is finished to come into the building where our classroom.

Friday 15/12  This is our first school spirit day of the year! The idea came from the student councilsin the school. The whole school was able to vote for their favorite day from a list. Bring your favorite stuffed animal/teddy bear to school day received the most votes. Wear your pajamas to school came in second place. That day will take place 19/1/18 in the spring term.

Week 49
Friday 8/12  Nobel Day at school! Come to school in your best for our Nobel celebration. You may wear a bit of bling and glitter :-)

Week 48
Homework due 30/11

week 47
Thursday 23/11 Hillary away on a course all day
Homework due 23/11 

week 46
Nobel theme begins! More info soon.

16/11 Homework due!

Week 44
School holiday!

Week 43
Tuesday 24/10 UN Day...Every year grade 3 students are responsible for the planning of UN day. They have been working on presentations in mixed groups during Students' choice. There are five groups:  song & dance, drama, film, art and Swedish. During the day we will be hosting an outdoor all school assembly and our five groups will be presenting their efforts to different classes around the school. Due to renovations, we decided to be a bit creative.

Students may  wear  national clothing or a costume you make yourself to represent UN or one of the Rights of the child. We're are looking forward to a very special day!

Friday 27/10 Halloween activities
On Friday, 27th of October we will celebrate Halloween at Johannes School.  Following the school tradition, students  may bring something  to eat in the classroom, for a maximum of SEK 20. Keep in mind that we have students with allergies in school and that everything containing nuts is completely prohibited. Children may not exchange candies with each other and please no chewing gum.

It should be a day of fun rather than scaring people.  The students are welcome to dress up on this day. Any props/hats etc must be left in the classroom during recesses. The goal is for all students in all grades, to think it's a fun experience. Therefore, no full face  covered masks, weapons or excessive bloody costumes. We strongly recommend that students have something else to change into as from previous years students get very tired to be in a costume all day

The school day ends at 14:10. No special Halloween activities will be held in afterschool care.
Week 42

Week 41

Week 40
October begins!
2/10  Student choice begins!

Week 39

Thursday 28/9 Theater performance Peter's  trädet at Weld theater. Packed lunch needed!!! Gym as usual!

week 38
Wednesday 20/9 Katarina and Hillary away on a course. Catherine Hatas will be substituting in the the classroom for the day.

Week 37
Tuesday 12/9 Photos are taken! Luckily before lunch at 10:40-11:30. Noone was scheduled for an IDP talk at that time!

Individual development talks! See schedule that was sent by email. Remember to get your child before especially if it is during recess/lunch/gym etc.

Week 36
Tuesday 5/9 SWIMMING: Our swim time at Vanadis is at 10:50-11:40. We'll leave school around 10:20 and be back for a later lunch at school around 12:10. Your child will need a towel, swim clothing, soap, a light fruit snack (optional). Swimming is a one time event this year. They want to assess them again after 


Onsdagen den 6:e september genomförs den klassiska Hagadagen i Hagaparken. 

Aktivitet:     Lågstadiet (år 1, 2 & 3) är först ut med löpning och kommer att starta ca 09.30 och därefter mellanstadiet (år 4, 5 & 6) ca 10.30. Prisutdelning strax innan kl. 13.

Banan eleverna springer är 1 km lång. Lågstadieeleverna springer ett varv och mellanstadiet två varv.

Lunch:        Eleverna medtar egen matsäck, dryck och något att sitta på. Tänk på att ta med tillräckligt med vatten eftersom man kommer att bli törstig efter att ha sprungit Hagaloppet.

Kläder:        Idrottskläder och sköna skor att springa i. Det är även bra att ta med sig varma överdragskläder att sätta på sig efter springningen. Ev. regnkläder.

Övrigt:         Jag tar med lite redskap, t.ex. bollar. Om ni klasslärare vill låna utrustning för att ordna aktiviteter för er klass vänligen kontakta Hanna eller Magnus.

Med hopp om en trevlig dag,

Hanna och Magnus

Wednesday, 16/8 9:00 Welcome back to school!

Tuesday, 29/8 Parents' meeting 18:00-20:00
We will meet in one of the 3rd grade classrooms for introduction of staff and information about the schoolyear. There will also be time to meet as a class afterwards for more specific information and mingle. Please let us know if you will be attending.


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